Maximize Your Day

Transform Your Business by Transforming Yourself with Aura E. Martinez

Jessica Rosario-Fortis Season 3 Episode 31

On today’s episode, I’m joined by the vibrant Aura Martinez, a self-discovery and empowerment coach who helps women reconnect with their purpose and unlock daily fulfillment. Aura opens up about her own journey of self-acceptance, from overcoming deep-rooted insecurities to fully embracing her true self—and how this internal shift transformed her business and personal life.

We dive into the hidden relationship we have with ourselves and how it reflects in every aspect of life, from business to personal growth. Whether you're feeling lost or just in need of a fresh perspective, this episode offers actionable insights and mindset shifts to help you get back in alignment with your purpose. Join us for a deep, heartfelt conversation about self-discovery, intuition, and the small steps that lead to big transformations.

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Jessica Rosario
Certified Executive Coach & Business Consultant

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Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Hello and welcome to the Maximize your Day podcast, a place for entrepreneurs who are building their business in pursuit of freedom and flexibility to do the things they love. I'm your host, jessica Rosario. I'm a New Yorker turned Floridian who knows a thing or two on how to effectively manage your time while juggling multiple priorities. I'm an ex-corporate leader who walked away from my nine to five-ish to launch and grow my business. Ex-corporate leader who walked away from my nine to five-ish to launch and grow my business. In this podcast, I share insights on mindset, business productivity, habits and strategies to help you take control of your to-do list and maximize your day, which will help you feel more confident and less overwhelmed, and getting more done in less time. I'm so excited you're here. Go ahead, listen in. Welcome back to the Maximize your Day podcast. This is your host, jessica Rosario. I'm a business consultant and coach from Central Florida and I have the pleasure of interviewing today Aura Martinez. She is a bucket of energy and you will well you'll hear all about it during our interview. So, Aura, welcome.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

Oh, thank you so much for having me here. I'm like super excited to meet you, be here, speak with you. So, aura, welcome. Oh, thank you so much for having me here. I'm like super excited to meet you, be here, speak with you. So, thank you, you're welcome. So tell our audience a little bit about you.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

So I'm a self-discovery and empowerment coach, helping women gain total clarity in their purpose so they can wake up to daily fulfillment and certainty. I actually started out as a wellness and life coach, helping people get out of the sugar roller coaster they will find themselves in Now. If you don't mind me sharing what made me transition from being a wellness and life coach to being a self-discovery and empowerment coach is the fact that not only through my clients did I realize this, but also through my own journey, that if only we were to get to the core of who we really are and what's going on in our inner world, we can literally and simultaneously change several areas of ourselves and our life. And that's because we all have a relationship with everything, whether we realize it or not, whether that is food, our body, money, and so whenever we notice that area of our life or even of ourselves isn't working is because it's reflecting the relationship that we have within ourselves. So that's what made me transition to doing the work that I currently do.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I love that and I totally agree. I was just talking to someone the other day and we were talking about mindset and the importance of mindset, and mindset triggers so many things. It's not just your physical body, but it also impacts the way you move or the way you eat or the way you are more productive. Obviously, this is a podcast on productivity tips, right? So if you don't have the right mindset, it spills over into all areas of your life, whether it's family, business relationships and even the most important one, which is the relationship within yourself. So I love that.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

I agree 1000%.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I love how you explain the reason why you shifted, but what would you say is the area in which you've seen the most transformation?

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

That's a good question, because what really brought all this together and what really made me realize the importance of our own relationship with ourselves is a healing process that I had to go through. So I'm from my parents are from Dominican Republic, I'm from New York, and there was a part of me that, for the longest time, I hated, and I did not know that this would affect my business Can you believe this? And my productivity, and how I showed up, and it was a hatred that I had towards my hair. Now, in Dominican Republic, like in most Latin American countries, women with curly hair like mine, it was considered bad hair. So you can only imagine the damage that it did to me, because it did a big damage in me. It made me think I wasn't woman enough, I wasn't pretty enough, I wasn't good enough.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

So if you have that story going on within you, I'm going to tell you this from personal experience it doesn't matter how many certifications you have, cause I had three certifications in nutrition board, certified holistic health practitioner, and I still had trouble showing up online. I remember I would hide behind a blog. Can you believe that? So this was like I started back in 2013. So obviously I have evolved.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

But it took that deep level of work me facing myself, me learning to love myself, me, learning to see the beauty in me and that I belong, that I deserve, see, because many times business is one of those things that, as my mentor would say a lot is the biggest business development course you will ever have, because it forces you to work on yourself. We think that so many times it's just let's learn about sales and marketing and get the certification, and I'm not saying that none of that is important. It is important. But I also can tell you from personal experience that you could have all that and still it's like having nothing, because there's this barrier between what it is that you want and yourself that isn't allowing you to be as productive, for you to show up, for you to really claim what is yours, what is meant for you, what is available for you.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Wow, aura, I have goosebumps with you telling me this because literally yesterday I had a conversation with high-ticket coach about external validation and how external validation it was exactly your words on. It doesn't matter how many degrees you have, how many certifications you have. If you, deep down inside, don't believe you are worthy, then it doesn't matter what everything else says or whatever you do. You can spend all kinds of money and trying to get all of these credentials and the letters behind your name and if you still don't feel worthy or that you're enough, then your relationship with all of those degrees and this you know obsession with, with professional development, it's, it's like money being wasted because you've got to believe in it first. I'll tell you before I move forward.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I have to tell you I love that you said that you were from New York because that accent girl I'm a New Yorker myself, so, and I say I'm a New Yorker turned Floridian, but people still tell me you're from New York myself. So, and I say I'm a New Yorker turned Floridian, but people still tell me you're from New York, right, because they hear it immediately in the accent. So I love it. I love it. Tell me about when you're working with clients. How do you know that? How do you identify that this woman is the right fit to work with you because she's displaying some type of lack of confidence, or you know, like? What are some of the signs that you see?

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

Well, one of the first things that I always look for, and it's something that I didn't do at the very beginning. And if you can identify this first in any client, this is going to save you a lot of time when you're doing your discovery calls. I need to make sure they're coachable, first and foremost, and the reason why that to me is so important is because it took me having one of my worst discovery calls for me to realize that is one of the most important things that you want to look for. You have to really be open to transform. It's not enough to just want. You really have to be very open. You really have to be willing to see even the things that you did not see before, cause that's what it took for me, for me to transform myself. That's number one. Number two, and I find it my job to help them see what they're not seeing yet, so they can get those aha moments, because that way they'll be able to feel okay, yeah, she's the right person for me, because I get it. I get the struggle, I get what it's like to have this obstacle that you don't even know what it is. It's invisible because it's a blind spot, cause that's what it was for me. I did not think that my hatred towards my hair would affect my business who would have thought? But yet it does.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

So, to me, one of the biggest ones is that they they need to be cultured, they need to be coachable, they need to have this willingness to transform their life, because it's not just we're going to get on the calls. You also got to do the work. And I also speak from personal experience because I also know what it's like to, because I've hired several different coaches, mentors and at first, when I didn't understand this whole journey of truly developing yourself into the person that you were always from the very beginning, until society, until culture, until whatever told you that you're not, that I know that. It's not just when they're on the call with me. This is why willingness is very important, because I remember I would be on phone calls and then I'm like click and it's like no, you got to do the work. What happens in between matters just as much as a call. So that willingness being coachable, those are two of the big ones for me. How do you?

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

believe that most women show up on a day-to-day basis when they're working with you, Like when they first start to work with you. What are some of those signs that you see in them, that you're like I know that I can help this woman. I know that I know.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

This is going to sound kind of weird, but it's not, and probably that's why my name is Aura. I'm very sensitive to energy and when I'm in these coaching calls, I open up my energy for me to receive theirs, so that I can sense whether I'm the right fit for them and they're the right fit for me. That probably sounds like aura. Okay, that doesn't give me any info, but yes, it does. I'm a big believer that, and this is why I've done a lot of inner work within my own self, because the more we tap into that wisdom that is already within us, we will know what decisions to make, Like, for example and I already shared this with you before this fall that something told me to reach out to you. Don't ask me why. I just something. There was something. When I saw your podcast, when I saw your Instagram account, I just was like, oh, I need to reach out to her.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

And I must say, I feel so honored to be here to speak with you the more we listen to our intuition, because you will know when someone is the right fit for you or not. I can promise you. I can promise you it will lead you to the right opportunities, to the right people to the right clients. And if right now, it is challenging for you to access your intuition, I can guarantee you there is a layer of fat. Hey, I started out as a wellness and life coach, right? So I have to hear that thing. When you say fat, I mean whatever story you're telling yourself, whatever limiting belief you're telling yourself, whatever cultural conditioning, like I did. I wasn't enough, right, Curly hair was bad hair. So that's the thing that you need to work on and I promise you, when you remove the fat, when you remove the layer and get to the core of you, accessing your intuition is going to come easier and easier for you.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I love that and I think, on average I mean I work mainly with women, right, and on average, I will tell you that most of the women that I work with, when they first come into my space, they are feeling overwhelmed, they are lacking enthusiasm. When they wake up in the morning and feeling like what am I doing this for? They're disconnected to their why and the more they work with you know people that can really tap into that and and help them tap into their intuition and build a strong and resilient mindset, knowing that they are beautiful, that they are unstoppable, then that's when the true transformation begins. But let's just be honest, it doesn't happen overnight. Oh no, it doesn't, no, so let's talk about that. What do you think is one of the biggest reasons why it takes us a second to get into a horrible mood, but sometimes it can take a lifetime to get out of it?

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

There could be so many factors through a disappointment or noticing a pattern in our life, or wanting to reach a goal, and then when we realize that that goal becomes very challenging, but yet we see fulanito de tal reaching it, so-and-so reaching. As we say in Spanish, fulanito de tal, so-and-so reaching. That's when we were like, okay, what is wrong? Because if so-and-so did it, so-and-so did it, but I didn't do it. I'm the common denominator.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

It's really being aware, and sometimes the reason why it takes long is because we take the longer route, whether it's because of fear we actually fear, whatever it is that we want or we don't want to face ourselves, because it takes a lot of courage for us to face ourselves. Yeah, it really really does. I know it did for me to face that hatred that I had towards myself. So I would dare to say, until we hit either rock bottom, or we're disappointed, or we notice a pattern, or we notice that there's something that we're wanting to reach and it's becoming challenging, that's when that awareness comes up. And then we're like, oh, I didn't realize I had to work on this. I guess you don't know what you don't know.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Right, I completely agree with that. And I think at times, because we're feeling in that I don't know what, I don't know type of season, it's hard for us to see it, but then you fast forward a couple of years later and you're like man, I don't know why I did this this way or why was I doing this other thing. And that leads to how to build relationship within yourself. So I would say, many times, women who are building a business, raising a family, or they're working in the things, they tend to lose sight of how powerful they are and in that process they lose how to truly build that relationship within themselves which comes in so many ways right Self-care and personal development and sometimes it's sitting in silence.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I was in a community meetup last night and one of my clients she was on the call and she said sometimes I don't even turn on the radio in my car when I have a 30 minute ride or a 45 minute ride, just because I need to just sit in silence to go from point A to point B. So that looks different for different people. So what would you say, you know, for that woman that right now is listening and I've said this in previous podcasts. If we share our story for the one person that is listening to this right now, then we've done our job. What do you say to that one woman who's feeling lost, who's feeling like she's not enough, who's feeling like she's overwhelmed? What are some practical ways that she can start focusing on that right now?

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

The first thing I would say is get curious. I've said this over and over. To me, curiosity is the beginning of us getting more awareness. Get curious. Get curious about why you're feeling lost. What is that feeling? Trying to tell you? What do you think is missing? Sit with that. Sit with that and try to find out where is that coming from.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

If it's too overwhelming for you and there's the possibility for you to do this, seek out the help that you need. See, so many times we try to do things on our own, and if we could all do it on our own, we will all be successful on our own. Nobody is successful on their own, not even those that claim that they are self-made. Nobody is self-made. And, as a matter of fact, just to present proof to you of this, when we're born, we need our parents, we need our caretakers. See, kids and children, and kids are extremely curious. So lean into your curiosity. See, we're already equipped with all the things that we need to succeed the moment we're born. So seek the help that you need. Lean into your curiosity. And another thing that I have to add here, too, is and I know this is easier said than done do your level.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

Best not to label whatever state you find yourself in, whatever emotion you find yourself in and I'm going to clarify what I mean with that. Or, better yet, better than label. Let me even dare to say don't give it the meaning that it's not supposed to have or that it doesn't have. What do I mean with that? So say, for example, you are frustrated. Okay, the label may be that you're frustrated, but that frustration isn't there to make your life more miserable, make you uncomfortable or anything like that. It's just wanting to shed light to something that you're meant to shed light to.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

A lot of times, the reason why we don't get also to the core of what's really going on and we're not able to transform our life the way we want it to, is because we're too quick to give it the wrong meaning, right, instead of us being curious. So do your level best not to give it a meaning that it doesn't have. So if you feel lost, okay, I feel lost. Why am I lost? What would make me feel not lost? Just get curious and you'll see that, little by little, transform and again, hire the help that you need.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I love that because I am someone that suffers from anxiety and it's been a while and I've been very open with that on my show and with my clients. But when I'm feeling that way, I now have the self-awareness to identify where it's coming from, identify where it's coming from, and one of the things that I find is that most times it's that feeling that you have your heart's palpitating, your hands are sweaty, you're feeling like your heart wants to burst out of your chest. It's protecting you from something that most times you're resisting right To your point. It kind of sheds light on on what the issue is and sometimes I dare to say most times it's for lack of control. You're focusing on something that you cannot control, but it does take the time to seek help.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:


Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

And to identify that there is an underlying issue that's preventing me from living my life to the fullest, and that usually comes from seeking help, whether it's a life coach, whether it's a transformation coach or a therapist right, I mean, I'm a huge proponent for all of the avenues, and one of the biggest things that we all found during the pandemic was isolation. So we got so lost in being by ourselves that we needed that human connection. We are made for community. Yes, so find yourself a community that is a judgment-free community and that, when you're not feeling like you're at your best, that community helps you to rise up or they rise up for you.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

Yes, you said the word judgment free. That's so important.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Yeah, and I think us as women, most times we have that fear of being judged. We have that fear of what are they going to say about me, or what's going to happen, or. But at the end of the day, if you're in a community that's really not adding value to you, then it's time to find you. Let's find you another community, identify who your closest five are, and the closest five are usually people that are adding to you, that are helping you, that are you that will also call you out on your stuff. Yeah, even when it hurts sometimes we need that right, but it's all part of building community and part of, you know, helping us grow. So, aura, tell my audience a little bit about how to find you and how do you work with your clients.

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

Yes, well, they could always find me in different social medias in Instagram as Aura Elena Martinez, on Facebook, Aura E. Martinez Coach. On Twitter, Tiktok and YouTube basically the same name, aura E Martinez, and on my website and on my website, www. auraemartinez. com, and they can subscribe for my newsletter and they can always reach out to me. They can either book their clarity call with me or they can email me in order to work with me. We can schedule a call. It's complimentary and we'll see if we're a match.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

And just so that you guys know those that are driving, the links are in the show notes, so you'll get to be able to access that there as well. Laura, tell my audience you know this podcast is all about productivity, right? And how can we be better for ourselves, for others, for those around us, for all the things? So what are some ways that you maximize your day?

Aura E. Martinez, Self-Discovery & Empowerment Coach:

First thing in the morning. I don't like watching no TV, no radio, no social media, nothing. I need to give myself quiet time, minimum 15 to 20 minutes. But I need that quiet time and the reason why that's so important and that helps me maximize my day is because I am connected to myself. How I'm feeling, what do I need? See, we're so quick to doing, doing, doing. I first like to fill myself up and get connected with myself, so that's like the first thing that I do. I like to journal. I need to work out in the morning. So for me, the way I maximize my day is I make sure that I am filled up first, because that's like me filling up my gasoline tank in my car so that I could keep running and doing all the things that I have to do.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Yes, I totally agree. And you know what? It's funny that you say that, because that that's also how I start my day. We stopped turning on the news. We used to be one of those people that would turn on the news, because I think that's also how I start my day. We stopped turning on the news. We used to be one of those people that would turn on the news because I think that's what we were raised to do.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

In New York, you wake up in the morning, you just turn on the news and drink your cup of coffee, right. But now I tend to well, for the last few years and it works out really well is is the first thing in the morning is just complete silence. I journal, I read a book that's the perfect time to read, whether it's a quick devotional or a quick motivational book or something, but definitely filling my spirit in silence. And although my kids are adults now, I remember when they were younger I needed that time for myself. I needed that space just to kind of recenter myself. Because, to your point, the moment the kids were up, it was just this hustle and bustle that we're all very familiar with in New York, right, and one of the things when I moved down to Florida was that people would say to me oh, you're going to love it down here because you're going to slow down Now. Once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker, sarah, I came to Florida with the same energy that I had before, but I do find myself with a better morning routine and what I'm doing to feed myself and feed my soul, so I love that you're able to share that.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

Laura, it's been a pleasure having you on the podcast. I cannot wait to have it released. It'll be published within the next few months and I was really looking forward to our conversation. I know that there's going to be some transformations and some chats that are going to come out from this and if you're listening to the podcast, take a screenshot, tag us on Instagram. We'd love to hear your thoughts and I can't wait to see you guys next time, as always. Thank you so much for listening in. Don't forget to subscribe to the show to be notified the second a new episode is released and share with your friends who believe could benefit from listening or even better, just post a screenshot of the episode in your stories and tag me on Instagram or Facebook.

Jessica Rosario- Executive Coach:

I would love to hear your feedback, answer questions and I'm always open to your topic suggestions, so you never know if your topic will be next. So then, until next time, go ahead, maximize your day and own it.