Maximize Your Day

Unlocking the Secrets to Mom-preneur Success: Balancing Work, Family, and Joy with High-Performance Coach Penny Cook

Jessica Season 2 Episode 21

Are you a mom-preneur struggling to balance work and family life? Discover the secrets to maximizing your productivity and joy with our special guest, Penny Cook, a high-performance coach who specializes in helping mom-preneurs like you manage time and take control of their to-do lists. Penny shares her inspiring journey from working a nine to five job to launching her own business, and how emotional intelligence played a vital role in her success.

Together, we explore the unique challenges faced by mom-preneurs and how Penny's expertise can help you identify your core values, set boundaries, and confidently communicate your needs for a more successful and fulfilling life. We also discuss the double standard women face when it comes to careers and families, the importance of role-modeling for our kids, and the exciting opportunities that have opened up in the online world due to the pandemic.

Don't miss out on this valuable conversation about the connection between emotional well-being and effective systems and processes. Penny reveals her top strategies for successful productivity, time management, self-care, and goal prioritization – all designed to help you maximize joy in your day. Plus, learn how finding the right coach or mentor can keep you on track to achieving your goals and dreams. So, tune in and get ready to conquer the mom-preneur world like never before!

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Jessica Rosario
Certified Executive Coach & Business Consultant

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Jessica Rosario:

Hello and welcome to the Maximize Your Day podcast, a place for entrepreneurs who are building their business in pursuit of freedom and flexibility to do the things they love. I'm your host, jessica Rosario. I'm a New Yorker turned Floridian Who knows a thing or two I'm how to effectively manage your time while juggling multiple priorities. I'm an ex-corporate leader who walked away from my 9-5-ish to launch and grow my business. In this podcast, i share insights on mindset, business productivity, habits and strategies to help you take control of your to-do list and maximize your day, which will help you feel more confident and less overwhelmed and getting more done in less time. I'm so excited you're here. Go ahead, listen in.

Jessica Rosario:

Welcome back to the Maximize Your Day podcast. I'm Jessica Rosario, your host, and I'm so excited to be able to share with you an amazing, high-performance coach that really focuses on systems, processes, strategy, which you guys all know that is very near and dear to my heart. I can't wait to be able to share her story and for you guys to be able to take some takeaways that you can apply easily into your day-to-day lives. Penny Cook, high-performance coach, you are an incredible, incredible, skilled coach that helps not only mom-preneurs but entrepreneurs as a whole. I just can't wait to share your story. Why don't you tell us a little bit about you and who you serve?

Penny Cook:

Thank you very much for having me. It's super exciting and so nice to be part of your podcast. Yeah, so my name's Penny. Like you said, i work with high-performance entrepreneurs. I work with those go-getters, the people that just want to get more out of everything all the time. Mom-preneurs, therefore, is a great dynamic to work with. They have kids. They're balancing work and home life. There's lots going on in there And what I do is I help them achieve more by using those systems and structures and setting boundaries that come from your core values and the kind of deeper kind of work to make sure that those boundaries are consistent and that you can communicate them confidently with yourself, with other people, and you can just feel better about your work-life balance, and it's a work-life balance that you can be proud of. Effectively, maybe you achieve the same thing but with less chaos, or you achieve more with less chaos.

Jessica Rosario:

I love that And what led you to making that your focus in your business?

Penny Cook:

I think personal experience. For one, my education is actually in psychology and criminology. I study the behavior analysis and facial expressions etc. But I really realized that when I went from working the nine to five and when I went from a job I would say rather than a career, i had a job because I needed one I really realized that with the emotional intelligence that I had gained through my education, i could really use that to harness all those negative emotions that you have when you're unfulfilled in your life. And if you can harness that and understand where they come from and why they're there, they're actually there to get you out of the situation that you're in. If you can use your emotional intelligence to say, okay, why do I feel this way? I want to move on, i want to get out of this. And I was able to harness that power And I followed my passion And this is where I'm supposed to be. It's good fun. I really enjoy it.

Jessica Rosario:

I love that, and one of the things that you talk about and it's your tagline is making sense out of your emotions. So I love how you were able to kind of combine your experience with psychology and criminology and tailor it to what you're doing now. So why focus on mompreneurs?

Penny Cook:

Well, i really believe that mompreneurs are nearly a different species. We have to manage different things. It's not the same, if you know, or female entrepreneurs actually but it's females that are given more, take more. We have a different relationship to pain and suffering and getting things done, you know and this isn't to say that men have it easy and we have it difficult, it's nothing like that It's just that it's different when we have kids and when we start focusing on our family life, we will find a way to make it all work. Men don't tend to do that. They tend to say, okay, i have one problem, how can I fix this, and then they'll move on to the next one.

Penny Cook:

So I was really interested. I found myself thriving when there was a bigger challenge. There's a challenge to say, okay, it's not just problem solving, this is problem solving in four or five different elements of one person's life. Their identity changes when they're at home to when they're doing their own business on their laptop. When they're doing, i'm different now on this podcast than I am when my kids come home. How can you solve problems in two such different environments simultaneously? So for me, it was just working with those high achievers, and you know the people that really want. You know, as a mompreneur, we don't have a choice. You know your kids need feeding and bathing and putting to bed and they need routine and they need structure. So you don't have a choice, you have to fit it in. So how can you fit that with that? It was just a challenge to me which I really found satisfying to solve.

Jessica Rosario:

Awesome, awesome. And you know, completely agree with you about the way men focus on things. They tend to compartmentalize, right. And us, as women, we just manage things differently. We're moms, we're running a business, we are focusing on our own person, on professional development. So all of those things combined is what helps us be authentic, right? It's all part of our DNA and our ecosystem. What are your thoughts on multi-passionate entrepreneurs and how they balance all of the things? How can you support someone at that level?

Penny Cook:

Easily. I think when women are at that level, they are often looking for some accountability and some some consistent points. In the beautiful chaos that becomes what their life is, Women only need maybe one or two consistent ties to be happy and to be fulfilled. So if you are a multi passionate entrepreneur and you have lots of your fingers and lots of different pies, as we say, and you have the kids and you want to run the household and you like it to be clean and tidy and all of these things, then typically they only need one place where they can go back and say hang on, something's not quite right. I need to organize my thoughts and organize my feelings, And once they understand that and they put that into some sort of structure, things kind of flow again. So for a lot of people like that I mean, I work one to one with clients in different ways, But for those kinds of people it tends to work better when you have kind of not a weekly session.

Penny Cook:

They don't need that, They're too busy for that, There's too much going on. What they need is somebody to be a bit more on demand, to say I need a goal, when can you fit me in? Great, And then you just sit and organize everything, bring down, fix it and then you can carry on again. And those people are very fun to work with because it's a very dynamic concept and their core values remain relatively stable while everything around them kind of evolve and adapts to their situation. It's fascinating.

Jessica Rosario:

Yeah, you hit it right on the nose As women, we need one to two consistent things in order for us to feel like we're in control, like we own it. we're successful. So, on that same token, what does success mean to you?

Penny Cook:

It's a very interesting question, i think, and it changes depending on the area of my life that I'm looking in. It's easy to say that success is happiness or fulfillment, or it's a feeling and not a destination, if you like. Success comes and goes, and I'm an ex-international athlete and have stood on the podium and had a national anthem played for me And you could argue that that is more successful than anything else I've done. But success comes from struggle. If you are given something, if I just give you a load of money and you don't have to work for it, that's not being successful. So if you receive it or if you achieve it, there's two different things and achieving something is success. So success to me is starting my own business in a foreign country. I live in Norway, away from my family, while I'm raising a young family. That is successful, whether or not it works or not, crying and going for it, that is success.

Jessica Rosario:

I love that and I agree. success means different things to different people and in different stages in life, And whether you're a mom, whether you're not, whether you're a professional, in your career or in business, right there's, success is defined by the person. So I love that story.

Penny Cook:

Now I think if you have listeners that are struggling in areas, maybe if they're, they get the mom guilt or they get that feeling. the most common feeling that I have with my clients is when they're at work they kind of feel like they need to be at home, and when they're at home they kind of feel like they have to be at work and there's this constant inner conflict about where you're going to be. If you're listening to this and you think that is me a lot of the time, that doesn't mean to say that you're not successful at that point, because you need these moments to become successful. You need that downtime to achieve the success. If it was easy all the time, it wouldn't really constitute success.

Jessica Rosario:

Absolutely. And it's funny because you went straight into my next question, which was going to be how do you think that someone who's feeling the mom guilt kind of pushed that aside. So I really loved that definition and you demonstrated that. because we can be multiple things right, we don't have to be this or that. I can tell you for me, growing up while raising my kids right As a single parent for some years, i always felt like I needed to do more, because I was constantly at work, i was constantly busy keeping them in after school programs and daycares and getting a babysitter and whatnot, because that's what my career required of me at that time.

Jessica Rosario:

And fast forward 10 years later, i actually just interviewed my daughters, actually for a podcast and to be able to hear how that helped shape them and mold them into who they are today, even with the teenage trials and even with the teenage attitudes right.

Jessica Rosario:

It was really refreshing to see how they're watching while we're striving, and one of the biggest things that my daughters said was that I did a great job in not showing them, i guess, deep down inside, what I was going through, even though I felt like they probably thought at times that I was absolutely insane, right, but the fact that they said I hit it so well and they didn't realize how much I was up against, not only as a woman in business, right, and as a single parent, it just it was harder. It was harder for me to raise them, but on the other hand, they were able to see that different side. So, and some advice for a mom that's feeling guilty at this time of raising a family and having to do all the things with me just keep going, because it's worth it in the end, would you agree?

Penny Cook:

Absolutely, and I think you've touched on some really key points here that a lot of entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs that are mothers all feel. And let's go back to the fact that moms and females in particular we set ourselves up with the double standard. You know we always talk about these double standards. Men can have kids and it doesn't really affect what's going on. That's how it is. There is a double standard. It's not the same. It is different for women, but we as women have a different makeup in our brain. If men had this double standard with their brains, they would deal with it very differently, because they would be able to compartmentalize and say this is my boundary, this is it set, and they're very confident. In that case, Women tend to say okay, now I have four different things to do. I'm going to just get them all done without being able to set the boundaries and without understanding that with those boundaries, you could do it better. Arguably So, for yourself as well. I mean.

Penny Cook:

The other point that you touched on was how your kids felt about you leaving them with babysitters and things like that, And ultimately, what you showed them is that they could be anything they wanna be, And this is part of why I do what I do as well, because when I had children and I was in my nine to five job and I wasn't happy, I didn't want them to see that that was normal. I didn't want them to understand that mommy goes to work because she has to. That's not something I wanted them to learn or to mimic as they grew up. So now when they say, oh, mommy, I don't wanna go to the kindergarten, or can I stay home with you, I say no, mommy's really excited about work today. This is what mommy's gonna do, So I'll pick you up later and I'll tell you all about it.

Penny Cook:

And that's what I want them to understand that I enjoy working and I enjoy my time with them and I enjoy working. And I encourage my husband to say the same thing about his work as well. So it's about mimicking the behavior that you want your kids to have. If you have that, mom, good, I need to be with them all the time. It's completely understandable And that's where your boundaries come from, your core values, And that's where you have to really go back a little bit deeper and say what do I need? What do I need to feel that I'm doing right by my business and my family and my career and whatever else is your goals. And if you can focus on those core values, then those boundaries become much easier and much more confident in your delivery.

Jessica Rosario:

I love that. I love that. Would you say that there's some importance of sharing with your children the difference between a job and a career?

Penny Cook:

I think so, but I think there's important to share all of these things with kids. Obviously it depends when and what age and how mature they are and what their level of understanding is. But having a job, there's nothing wrong with having just a job, there's nothing wrong with that. And if you're happy doing the nine to five and you enjoy the structure and the fact that you can finish your job and go home and there's nothing still on your mind and things like that, that can work very well for some mothers. And that's again where it comes back to your core values And your core values really, if you can set boundaries based on your core values, then that really does protect who you are as your authentic self.

Penny Cook:

And this goes back again to women experiencing pressure and double standards from the society and the culture that we live in. We're expected to do this and expected to do this. If you can take all of your boundaries and take them right back to your core values, that inner conflict disappears because you understand where they come from. So that mom guilt is basically inner conflict of you saying I think this is important to me and I think this is important to me, but I haven't quite figured out if it's society telling me that or me telling me that. So I'm just gonna try and do everything and see if it works and it doesn't. So it's really important to go back and think okay, if you're having that mom guilt especially if you have it a lot, if you feel this constant tug and pull wherever you are and it's stressful and it's chaotic it's really important just to think, okay, where are my boundaries and are they coming from the right place, which is your core values?

Jessica Rosario:

Wow, wow, that's so good. And one of the things that I've been finding lately and I don't know if you've experienced this too is that with some of my clients, they're looking more for purpose and passion-driven work, the days of getting a job just because they need the money. Yes, you all need the money right, let's be real but it's more. They're looking for more alignment with their core values, with their mission and passion in life and what helps them serve. It's not just to go in, to clock in and clock out, but more to serve the people that they've been called to serve. Have you seen that shift lately on what people are looking for, especially after the pandemic?

Penny Cook:

I think a lot of people. now the online world has kind of grown into this huge opportunity and arena for opportunities. Of course, there are definitely more people saying you know what, i might be able to have something else, and, of course, the ones that are able to just leave their full time jobs and start Our lucky, you know, because we do need the finances and living in a society. it costs money and that's what our society values and we have to do that. But I have seen a shift and I think it's a good one, and I think what happens with that shift is the people that are serving from a Passionate, authentic and foundational place where they really understand who they are themselves. You know, they might not be able to serve everybody. I'm definitely not right for every single person out there.

Penny Cook:

the way I coach or mentor, my strategies, things like that won't work for everybody, but because I understand that that's who I am, it's very easy for me to say you know what? I don't think we're right to work together, but here's someone that you might be better with, and what happens is you end up with this premium service all the time. so now it's possible to find coaches, especially for Emotional intelligence and mentorship and accountability and productivity. Now it's actually possible to find coaches on that really premium level that you just jail with, you just have chemistry with, because your coach is being their authentic self And you're learning how to be your authentic self. so it's.

Penny Cook:

there's nothing hidden in the details. you know it all used to be about Did you show enough eye contact? did you shake your hand with the right amount of force? did you do this? and meetings when you walked in, did you look like a power woman or did you? So far not about that anymore. now it's about I wanted to get to know you first and then I'll decide whether I want to work with you. and I think it's fantastic and I think a lot of people are finding Passion as the fuel for life now.

Jessica Rosario:

Wow, i love that example because I remember about 10 years ago probably more, i was walking into a networking event. Where I was I don't think I was in a in an executive role or anything at the time And a gentleman came up to me. He said you know, when you walk in the room you display strength and power, but when you introduce yourself we could barely hear what you were saying. He said you need to speak with more authority And I was like, wow, like for someone to see that in me right and kind of help, help me get to that next level. So if somebody told me that now I probably I don't know maybe I would be offended by it, but back then it was like, oh, ok, well, i need to. When I walk into a room, i need to own the room, i need to own my space and who I am.

Jessica Rosario:

And I love the relationship building side of networking that you just mentioned as well. For me to go in It's not just about meeting someone to offer them my product of services, to get to know who they are, what they offer, because I have an amazing coach and she always says that everyone that comes into your space is a client, a collaborator or a connector And if you treat every conversation in that way, even if they're not a client, they might collaborate with you in some sense. But even if they don't collaborate with you, they'll do exactly what you just mentioned connect you with someone else that maybe To be of value to help you grow your business or your professional development, or be a good connection strategy for you as you continue to grow personally and professionally. So I love everything you're saying, especially about relationship building, so I think that's fantastic.

Penny Cook:

Well, the difference is as well nowadays. If you were to walk in that room and somebody was to say to you hey, you know, when you walk in, you know you're really strong. When you get on stage, it kind of disappears. Now, if you have the right foundation set up and you know what your values are and you know what your belief systems are, you can say to yourself, ok, is this a skill that I would like to improve because I want to be a public speaker, for example? You know you set goals that are in line with your core values And if your goal is to be a public speaker, you can say, ok, i think I need some help in how to be better at public speaking.

Penny Cook:

But nowadays you get to choose. If you don't want to do that, you could say, ok, public speaking not my thing. Let's see how I can help people, not on stage, but on a Zoom call, one to one or in little small groups in your local area. Or there's so many options because of the Internet and because of marketing and sales and how we as coaches can get our message out there That now, as long as you have that basic foundational knowledge, you can kind of pick and choose where you go, and you can excel because your authentic self is better in that area.

Jessica Rosario:

Yeah, so good, so good. So let me ask you this, penny what was the pivotal moment for you when you realized that you wanted to focus on structures and systems as part of someone's lifestyle not just their business or their life, but more of like a lifestyle change?

Penny Cook:

I was good at it. The pivotal moment for me is when I realized that people are coming to me asking me how I'm doing this And I didn't know that it was something that other people struggle with quite so much, and when I started to think about okay, why do I have this set up in my life? You know I have systems for everything. It drives my husband crazy. I have a system for the laundry and the kitchen And I like things put in the right way And it's okay when it doesn't work all the time, and that's part of being adaptable. But I have systems and structures everywhere And I really realized that having those was more efficient. But that came very naturally to me. It wasn't something that I had to actively think about. It was just hmm, this isn't working. I could save some time and energy here, and if I can save time and energy here, i can put more into my kids or more into my business. So, hmm, this just happens. And then people would come to me and say, how are you managing to do this and this? And I'd say, well, it's a system, that's how it works. I can drop it at any point. Somebody else can pick it up because it works.

Penny Cook:

So that pivotal moment, i guess, was when I realized that my education in forensic psychology was not going to be completely accessible to me living I live above the Arctic Circle in a tiny little town. There's not much crime. It's not going to work, and I realized where else can I go? What else do people want? What is? what is something I'm just good at already that I can teach people, and I really enjoyed the conversations I had with people that asked me for help, and it wasn't necessarily one thing all the time that people would ask me for.

Penny Cook:

People knew that I had a background in emotional intelligence and they would ask me about, you know, disciplining their children and how to manage emotions with their children, how to organize their clothes drawers, because this mom is going insane because there's laundry everywhere, all the place, all the time. How do I fix that? How do I structure my work week that's in line with my authentic self, because things keep coming in that I don't even want to do and I have to do them And I always feel like I have to do everything. So it just kind of happened And, yeah, i guess the people that I did work with had a lot of nice things to say and they would tell other people and more people kind of came to me. So that's how it snowboard really.

Jessica Rosario:

Awesome, awesome. So what would you say? the connection be between someone's emotional well-being and having effective systems and processes in place?

Penny Cook:

Oh, i think that's a deep question And I think it has many, many answers, and it might be different for every person as well, but the structures and systems that you put in place, they all sound very formal, and when I say structures and systems, it sounds so like strict, and that's not what it is, and that's where your emotional well-being comes in. Structures and systems are just a way for you to get to know what you want in your life, whether that's big picture. What career do I want to do? Who do I want to be? Or tiny, do I like a tiny house or do I not mind if it's messy?

Penny Cook:

You know it's tiny things to massive things, and your emotional well-being really depends on yourself awareness. And if you don't know why you behave the way that you behave, why you make the decisions you make, why you react to different triggers in the world, why does it upset you so much when somebody does something specific and somebody else doesn't care at all? Getting to know that about yourself and understanding yourself is the key to unlocking all of that. So structures and systems are just a way to find that. That's all it is. It's just a tool that is available to each and every one of us to make sure that we have a level of self-awareness that we can use to our advantage within our business and our family life.

Jessica Rosario:

Yeah, yeah, for sure, i love that. So, someone that's listening right now, what advice can you give them on, maybe, what are the top three things that you help your clients with? What are those strategies that you would recommend to that person that's listening, based on the trends and the themes that you've seen with your own clients?

Penny Cook:

I think the first one is understanding what boundaries are truthfully, where they come from and how they can help you. I think boundaries is step one. I mean, if you are unable to understand the boundaries that you already have or set new ones or communicate them to yourself or the people that need to know and the people that need to know the list is endless. Anybody you come in contact with you know your partner, your kids, your colleagues, whoever is looking after your kids, whoever is on your backup list for babysitters everybody needs to know these things. And if you don't understand what a boundary really truly is and how it can protect you and your family and your business, then I really think that that's step one. That's where I would start with most of my clients, i think.

Penny Cook:

After that, it's time management. I think everybody has the capability to have a schedule and a work-life balance that they're proud of. I really believe that All it is is about prioritizing your goals and your wants and needs in your life. It's about finding a structure that you can list them down and visualize them and see okay, i can't have this and this, or I can't have this and this at the same time. Which one do I want to do first this one. Okay, this goes here, this goes here, and it's like a little puzzle. So I think once you've learned how to set boundaries and manage your time, then I think the sky is the limit. Then you start adding in some self-care and a little bit of social awareness about how to get more out of your interactions, and the sky is the limit.

Jessica Rosario:

Love that, Love that. So tell me something, Penny. You know our podcast is all about productivity and tips and tricks, but, most importantly, to highlight other women in business, because there is someone listening right now that's thinking you know that I can't do this, I can't do all the things you know, but the reality is that we've all felt that way. So What is a way that you maximize your day to help you feel successful?

Penny Cook:

I love this question. I really do, And I think for me, to get more out of your day is to get more joy out of it. Whatever you can do to get more happiness out of your day maximizes your day. I could sit here and tell you, you know, you can get more if you. you know, automate this or batch create this or you know whatever it is, delegate this and all these fancy terms on how to run your business. But ultimately it doesn't matter, as long as you maximize the joy in your day.

Penny Cook:

So for me if I'm having a tough time and I'm really finding it difficult, or I'm exhausted, or the kids have been up all night being sick or something and I have to put on my brave face and carry on in the morning. For me, it's about listing the minimalistic things in my next day Before I go to bed that night. I might make a list of there's never more than three, maybe three to five. But if you really think about it, what is the absolute minimum that if you do tomorrow it would still be successful? Write those things down, get them done and then enjoy something. Get more joy out of something.

Penny Cook:

Do one of the things in your job that you love. Find someone just to coach for free, because that's why you started in the first place. You know, Nothing has to be so strict all the time. There's a lot of rules and a lot of guidelines and a lot of do this, don't do this. Just get more joy. Find something that makes you happy. Get your minimalist on whatever needs to make that day successful. Get it done and then find something that brings you more joy every day. And I get much more out of my day if I think of my days as joyful than not.

Jessica Rosario:

Wow, that's awesome. That's awesome. I love that. I agree It's different for different people whether it's maximizing their joy or spending some quiet time in the morning, self-care, meditating, whatever it is. it's different for different people. And I love to ask that question to you know, when I'm doing a podcast interview, because it's again, it's to be able to share the diversity in the way that we think and the way that we process in our daily lives. So, so cool.

Penny Cook:

More personally speaking, for me it would be finding help and support. Yeah, so for me, i don't like to work alone. I am a people person. I like to talk to people and the world of on, solopreneur and things like that can be very long, and for me, finding someone that has the same goals and objectives and ideals as you, just to be able to send them a message and say, oh, this is tough sometimes. Yeah, find somebody, even if you pay them. Find a coach, find a mentor, find somebody that is aligned with what you agree with and use them. I always have a coach and never don't have somebody that I'm paying to help me with my goals and my objectives. Because, yeah, to think, if you are sitting there thinking I just want to give up, don't give up. Just understand that you're not designed to be able to do every aspect of your business all of the time all by yourself. You have a specialty for a reason.

Jessica Rosario:


Penny Cook:

You know, focus on that specialty, focus on the bit that makes you happy and find someone else to just talk you through the other bits. It doesn't have to be quite so overwhelming.

Jessica Rosario:

Yeah, I love that. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals is so powerful. I always talk about the closest five. So who are the closest five in your circle? Who's in your tribe? I was at a conference last week and one of the things they said was if your closest five are adding and multiplying to you in your life, then it's time to look for another five. So, definitely, love. I completely agree. As a coach and as someone who has mentored multiple women, whether it's in my church or in business, I think it's definitely a powerful way to make new connections and to stay focused and thriving. So I love that, Yeah.

Penny Cook:

I really like that. I like the top five as well, or the closest five, and also remember to do that energy analysis for each, each friend. That's a little tall golden nugget for anybody listening. Absolutely, i do know you're a top five. have a little think about the energy exchange for each one.

Penny Cook:

So do you get or receive energy from this relationship? Some people are great for your business and they have great ideals and great goals, but it's so draining to talk to them because they're always on a high, for example, and for you to match that energy is quite exhausting. Yeah, so okay, i get a lot, but they also take a lot of energy. Okay, my next one. I get so much energy out of this person. They let me vent their great support network. they do this, they do this. okay, i get a lot of energy out of this one. and make sure that you're not spending one day with three people that are sucking energy out of you. It might be great, it might be good for your goal setting, but it's not going to be good for your overall mindset or your ability to do anything this evening when you get home and you have to do some work.

Jessica Rosario:


Penny Cook:

So just be, aware of energy shift as well.

Jessica Rosario:

Awesome, Penny. what's something new that's coming your way? Do you have any new exciting offers?

Penny Cook:

Absolutely I do. Actually I am for those of you who don't know, i'm sitting here with five weeks left of my pregnancy to go, so my third little baby is due in June and therefore I am launching a product, an online product, just before that so I can help people, not in a one-to-one capacity, but I will be online and helping people get through that course, and that course really is actually based on setting boundaries, time management and self-care. So those three elements that I talked about earlier. It consists of an audio it's like listening to a podcast, but it's an audio instruction and information with summary coursebook and a workbook, and the workbook is extensive. It's a decent amount of information in the course, but it should be a lot of fun. It should make it feel less overwhelming and everything is written down and in a way that is easy to visualize. So if you're a visual person as well, it's a great workbook and I'm getting some really good feedback from some beta testers and things like that. So look out for that in June And if you are interested in doing that course, then maybe we can put my email somewhere.

Penny Cook:

Send me an email and I'll make sure. As soon as it becomes available, you're one of the first to know and then you can get access to it. I do have the freebie version, which is less intense, maybe something just to get you thinking, get you started on some of this emotional well-being and this journey to understanding yourself and self-awareness. So that freebie is available now. So that's there. Let me know if you want that, and easiest way to contact me is Instagram Instagram or email. Yeah, so we can put my handle somewhere so that people can find me.

Jessica Rosario:

Yes, of course, and for those of you that are listening, her contact information will be in the show notes, so you'll definitely be able to connect with her and if you love what you heard on this episode, definitely take a screenshot and tag us on social media, because we love to see the shout outs and to be able to give you any feedback if you have any questions also. So congratulations, penny, you look beautiful. Do you know what's going to be? It's another girl, so we must say Congrats. I have two daughters, so that's so fun. Girls are fun. Girls are fun. I'm proud they start to show you your own attitudes when they get older.

Penny Cook:

My oldest is five and she's already doing that, So I look in the mirror sometimes. but I'm really looking forward to it And it's given me some really great insights in, you know, managing another kid and my business and who I love to be and what I love to do. So it's been great all around.

Jessica Rosario:

Love that. Love that. Well, penny, thank you so much for being on the show. I've always said that if it inspired one person that's listening, we did our job. We've been called to serve other women and I know that everybody has a story, so I look forward to be able to share your story and how you can support your clients to be who they want to be and just make the most sense of what they have going on in their lives, whether it's business or personal. So love that.

Penny Cook:

It was great having you, thank you so much, and I really do encourage your listeners to reach out. Like I say, i'm having a baby, so I'm going to need all the all the distraction I can get. So if you want to send me an email and you have questions, please do. I answer all my emails and direct messages on Instagram by myself, so you will get a personal response from me if there is something that's on your mind. Don't suffer in silence. Just reach out.

Jessica Rosario:

So good. Don't suffer in silence. I love that. Thank you so much, penny, for being on the show, as always. thank you so much for listening in. Don't forget to subscribe to the show to be notified the second a new episode is released and share with your friends who you believe could benefit from listening. Contact me at JessRosariocom forward slash podcast to share your feedback, ask question, make topic suggestions or even be a guest on my show. You never know if your topic will be next until next time. maximize your day and own it.